Natali and Goran's wedding day was one long party. In similar fashion to a Big Fat Greek Wedding, as the movie goes, this was One Big Macedonian Wedding! (Though technically speaking I don't think the Macedonians and Greeks are friendly but I don't know how else to describe it!)
Some backstory: This girl and I became best buddies in the 3rd grade...aka the 1992-1993 school year. Holy moly. Talk about feeling old. Right before the 7th grade I believe, her family moved to New Jersey. This was definitely sad but it also gave me another great friendship. Natali, myself and another girl named Tiffany always hung together in the 6th grade and after Natali moved, Tiffany and I became close. Flash forward 15 years later, Tiffany is what my mom calls our adopted sister, haha :)
Well the point of that story is to show how good things come from seemingly bad moments. (One friend leaving and gaining a new one.) Even though Natali and her family left, we did get to see them sporadically over the years. But it was always understood: we would be in each other lives forever in some way. The wedding was also fun because I got to see people that I hadn't seen in the longest, like her uncle and Godmother. Some of them remembered me, which was very cool.
I had to be at her parent's home in New Jersey between 10:30 and 11AM, but since Natali herself was running behind at the hair salon, we had more time to get there. I was late for my 9AM hair appointment but the girl managed to do a great job and had me out of there by 10:15. I think she did a great job!
Jonathan and I arrived at 11:30 and quickly began to get into our outfits. The outside of the house was nicely decorated.
The house was filled to the brim with people. It was great!
Though I didn't know any of the other bridesmaids, except for her cousin and Godmother, they were all very nice. The reason I hadn't met the majority of them before was because the day of the bridal shower landed on the day of Michele and Joe's wedding! (October 5th) I had already RSVPed long before the bridal shower date was revealed. I was so bummed and attempted to do both in one day but time wise, it wouldn't have worked out.
One of the things I got a kick out of, was that both bride and groom got ready in the same house! I think because they were married in June civilly but whatever the reason, it made for a unique start to the wedding!
So out the house we went, all the while people clapped and the musicians continued to play music.
We took ourselves to the church, as the (very large) family rode in the limo. They were only a 10 minute drive from St. Nikolas Macedonian Church.
Natali looked beautiful! And the ceremony itself was very interesting. I am used to Catholic rituals but love observing other faiths. For starters, the wedding party stood the entire time. The entire ceremony was sung. A large white shawl was wrapped around the bride and groom, with a crown put on their heads and they had to walk around it a couple of times. That is a poor description of what actually went on but after the entire ceremony was done, we headed to The Brownstone for the reception.
I didn't find out until later that The Brownstone is made popular thanks to Real Housewives of NJ. One of the housewives husbands owns the place apparently.
I didn't take any pictures once I got in, though my mom did. Here are some of my favorites from her camera. (Canon Rebel T3i)
It was fun to be in a wedding party together. It was our first and as far as I can imagine, our last!
This next picture shows you how massive the wedding party was!
I've always wondered what our height difference looked like standing next to each other like this. Not gonna lie, it gives me a good chuckle! :) (FYI: I love it, but it does look amusing.)
Just beautiful.
Cheers in the bridal suite! Jonathan clearly got a head start...haha
I am just seeing these photos for the first time as I upload. I ADORE this one!
My mom took this as we were leaving the bridal suite to head to the cocktail hour. Priceless! (For those unfamiliar with these faces, that would be my lovely sister in the front looking like a movie star, Tiffany laughing at me haha, and my brother drinking way in the back.)
Jonathan and I did this whole thing for our entrance where he tossed the flowers to me. I'm guessing this was pre-toss!
First dance. A joyful one at that!
What a great shot my mom got!
Why yes, that's a pig with hundreds of dollars in it.
And yes, people are clapping and dancing around it.
The cake cutting! Natali had changed into a different dress by this point.
And then into this, for the last dress change of the night. And yes that is money on the floor, lol.
All in all a great night, and so crazy to think, the last wedding until our own.
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